Restoring the function of failing body parts.
Bioengineered Organs
We’re developing human-compatible organs, in order to solve the global shortage of organs available for transplantation, as well as substantially reduce the need for immunosuppressive drugs following organ transplantation.
Our Approach
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”
Leonardo da Vinci
We're developing innovative ideas to solve complex problems.
Creative science is at the heart of our innovation.
About us:
Nayacure Labs is a regenerative medicine company whose mission is to discover and develop technologies to restore the function of failing body parts and extend human life.
/// Shahar Cohen, MD
Shahar is a physician, researcher and entrepreneur. Formerly a research fellow at Tissue Engineering Centre, Imperial College London (UK) and at Stem Cell Center, Faculty of Medicine, Technion (Israel), he has published several peer reviewed scientific papers, including nature's Scientific Reports paper, Artificial Organs paper, cover art in Tissue Engineering, book chapter, Acta Biomaterialia paper, abstracts in Conference Proceedings, and has several issued or pending patents.